Monday, September 29, 2008

A little sidetracked, but relating none-the-less

Ok, so I was looking through these paintings by Brandon Bird. He makes pop culture paintings. I was having the time of my life looking through his oil paintings when I stumbled upon his sketches. As there was a Seinfeld one, I thought I had best add it to this blog.

When 'old' media depicts pop culture, does it then become new media?


Mimi said...

I checked out Brandon Bird's work. I can't shake the feeling that each of his pieces are an inside joke that I'm not a part of.

As for your question.. not necessarily. If there's a newspaper article on The Hills, or whatever, I don't necessarily think it's new media. But I don't think the two should be posed as such a strict binary, either.

Curly Dragon Master 13 said...

It does seem like a silly question in retrospect. I think I was getting at what 'new' media would be defined as. New as in current, or new as in media format. I suppose I felt compelled to complicate the term.

Alygto said...

Jerry is so sexy topless!!!